Certified Health Education Specialist
Chinnipha Pengpring
Area II: Plan Health Education/Promotion
Example of a Planning Committee for a Drug Harm Reduction Program for Homeless individuals in LA
Title: Drug Harm Reduction Planning Committee
Author: Pengpring
Date: 9-14-20

Example of a Rationale for a Drug Harm Reduction Program for Homeless individuals in LA. Rationale are pertinent in the planning process.
Title: Drug Harm Reduction Rationale
Author: Pengpring & Ngov
Date: 9-23-20
Example of a Logic Model for a LGBTQ+ sex education program (Safe Space Project). Logic models are an integral part of planning.
Title: The Safe Space Project Logic Model
Author: Pengpring
Date: 12-2-20

Example of a Timeline for a LGBTQ+ sex education program (Safe Space Project). Timeline of activities are important in the planning process.
Title: The Safe Space Project Logic Model
Author: Pengpring
Date: 12-15-20

Area II Reflection:
In term of planning, I have a lot of experiences in program planning due to the various Health Science class which discussed program planning. The planning committee chart is quite well throughout with the inclusion of the target population, the former homeless person. Additionally, it is set up in a format which allows overlapping between individuals on the committee. The rationale for the same program was quite information dense. It could be improved by more statistics that could provide more clarity. The logic model for the Safe Space Project was neatly organized and color coded for clarity. A suggested improvement would be to have a more concise aim. The timeline for the project is realistic and organized. As an undergraduate student, I still lack the experience of creating a more detailed timeline. This could be improved upon in the future.