Certified Health Education Specialist
Chinnipha Pengpring
Area VI: Communication
Sample of Reliable Resource - Sex Education specifically tailored to teens. It is important for communication to be tailored for the target population.
Title: I Wanna Know
Author: Pengpring
Date: 12-1-19

Sample of Tobacco Informercial tailored for college students. It is important for communication to be tailored for the target population.
Title: Tobacco Infomerical
Author: Pengpring
Date: 3-26-19
Sample of Interpersonal Issues Coping Skills Health Education Program tailored for LGBTQ+ college students. It is important for communication to be tailored for the target population.
Title: Coping with Interpersonal Issues
Author: Pengpring
Date: 4-12-21
Sample of delivering persuasive message on stress management through storytelling. Storytelling is part of the communication strategies.
Title: Managing Stress
Author: Pengpring
Date: 5-7-21
Area VI Reflection:
Communication is another area I feel comfortable in. All four of my sample in this area are specifically tailored for their respective target population. This is really important in term of gaining attention, retaining the attention and cultural humility. The first sample is a single slide reliable resource for teen sex education. I believe the slide could look more engaging as it is targeting teens; however, the information and literacy level is appropriate. The tobacco infomercial also requires similar improvement. The content and literacy level are appropriate for college students but it could be more interactive. The slides on coping with interpersonal issue is well researched, thorough, and inclusive. However, some of the slide look too cluttered. The stress management behavior change video was entertaining and educational. The only improvement would be to slow down when speaking.