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Area V: Advocacy

Sample of advocacy talking points for more school psychologist in SBCUSD

Title: Talking Points When Advocating For More School Psychologists in San Bernardino Unified School District

Author: Pengpring

Date: 10-30-19

Sample of advocacy letter for more school psychologist in SBCUSD

Title: Advocacy Letter For More School Psychologists in San Bernardino Unified School District

Author: Pengpring

Date: 10-30-19

Sample of determinants of health identification among people who inject drugs (PWIDs). Advocacy by raising awareness of topic stigmatized by society.

Title: Health Behavior Models and Theories: Needles Sharing Among Intravenous Drug Users 

Author: Pengpring

Date: 4-9-20

Area V Reflection:


Advocacy is one of the few areas I feel comfortable stating I have real world experience in. Throughout my daily life, I practice in advocacy every day, speaking out against injustice and for ethnic minorities. The first writing sample is the talking point when advocating for more school psychologist in SBCUSD. Although the points still stand true, some suggestions for improvements are to refine the statistics and possibly format the paper. The advocacy letter was well written; some room for improvements are to be firmer in my writing and reduce citations which take up space. The sample of determinant of health for PWID was extremely important in advocating for individuals at higher risk for HIV. I believe the writing is well thought out and supported. However, I can be more concise in my scientific writing.

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