Certified Health Education Specialist
Chinnipha Pengpring
Area IV: Evaluation & Research
Sample of Research Design (hypotheses, design model & data collection method) and Pilot Testing Protocol for the Safe Space Project). These are all part of the research process.
Title: The Safe Space Project Research Grant Proposal
Author: Pengpring
Date: 12-15-20
Sample of health statistical data interpretation from health statistics journal critique as part of evaluation.
Title: 403 Signature Journal Critique
Author: Pengpring
Date: 5-5-20
Sample of data analysis derived from SPSS . SPSS is a statistical software used for research analysis.
Title: 403 Correlation and Regression
Author: Pengpring
Date: 5-4-20

Sample of epidemiological evaluation of HIV among men who have sex with men in LA county. Research and evaluate secondary data is part of Area IV.
Title: HIV Among MSM in Los Angeles
Author: Pengpring
Date: 10-19-20
Area IV Reflection:
In the area of evaluation and research, I am comfortable with research but require improvement for program evaluation specifically. The first sample is the study design of the Safe Space Project. The hypotheses, impact objectives and methods were well written. However, I lacked experience in pilot testing and overall evaluation. Pilot testing protocol were purely based on textbook information. The journal critique of health statistics data as part of evaluation was easy to understand and straight to the point. This is true for the sample of data analysis from SPSS as well. Lastly, the sample of epidemiological evaluation of MSM in LA county was well written and well cited. The sample showed great organization skills with title, subtitles and topics.