Certified Health Education Specialist
Chinnipha Pengpring
Cultural Competency
Cultural Competency Summary
As a first-generation immigrant, I understand firsthand the need of cultural humility and sensitivity when working with minority groups and marginalized community. I grew up in a low-income area composed of Latinos and African American folks which exposed me to different cultural practices beyond my Thai ones. As a result, majority of my work and research throughout this portfolio reflect the drive to serve low-income communities, ethnic minorities, and sexual minorities which raised me. I truly believe in cultural humility, the idea that I do not know everything and learning from other cultures is a practice which I must choose daily.
The writing sample and slide down below also further support my cultural competency and humility in that I seek to understand health disparities in countries beyond the U.S. The writing sample and slide both discussed the intersectionality of health, culture, socioeconomic background and geographical location which often goes undiscussed.
Multidisciplinary Analysis of Health Status Based on Health Indicators In Asian Countries
Asia is the largest continent that house 60% of the world's population. In order to competently address global health, it is important to analyze unique cultural practices, socioeconomic standings and geographical location of varying countries. This multidisciplinary analysis focused on the health of Syrian Arab Republic, India, Thailand and Japan.
Mental Health in Vietnam
Mental health is often a culturally sensitive and stigmatized topic that often goes undiscussed. This slide presentation aim to inform readers to mental health disparities in Vietnam.
The slide also define mental health, provide reliable statistics, discussed the impact and analyzed existing interventions.