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Internship Activities

Organization Logic Model 

Overview of Duties

Youth & Adult Coalition Work


1. Inform adult coalition of City Council Quotes and educate coalition on counterargument themes from Tobacco Flavor Ban city council meeting.

2. Attend youth coalition meeting. 

3. Help facilitate adult coalition meeting.

4. Create Tobacco education Kahoot for youth coalition event.

5. Attend City Council meetings

6. Research and organize reliable resources into accessible folders for coalition members.

Niche Academy


1. Convert pre-existing youth tobacco diversion curriculum into an online self paced program.

2. Create knowledge check evaluation for the program. 

3. Assisted in creation of Pre/ Post test evaluation 




1. Assist in Department of Justice grant quarterly report

2. Attend meetings regarding applying for new Department of Justice grant

3. Assist in budgeting report

4. Research educational program to purchase by the department 

Programmatic Work


1. Attend weekly Health Department all staff meeting

2. Attend weekly TEPP team meeting

3. Attend and participate in Tobacco workshops, webinars ,and networking events.

4. Act as a resource person in interview by Cal State Long Beach students. 

5. Give feedback / help edited event flyers, educational material and health posters.

6.Interview new intern

Example of Slide From Niche Academy


Example of Slide From Coalition Meeting

Screenshot 2021-04-14 164728.png

Example of flyer created to announce the permanent flavor ban / inform retailers

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