Certified Health Education Specialist
Chinnipha Pengpring
Area VIII: Ethics and Professionalism
Sample of Health Equity discussion - World Hunger focused in South East Asia. This paper display the ability to ethically and professionally discuss world hunger among other countries while being culturally sensitive.
Title: Shape of Poverty
Author: Pengpring
Date: 12-8-18
Sample of Health Equity discussion - Access to Safe to Drink Water and Sanitation Facilities. This paper display the ability to speak of health disparities with cultural humility.
Title: 420 Midterm
Author: Pengpring
Date: 10-15-20
Sample of cultural humility, inclusion & diversity in practice - LGBTQ+ inclusive mental health survey & results. This survey conducted shows inclusivity and ethicality when dealing with marginalized population.
Title:LGBTQ College Student Mental Health Survey
Author: Pengpring, Mandal, Gwak & Chou
Date: 2-1-21
Area VIII Reflection:
In the area of ethics and professionalism, I take these competencies very seriously, especially when discussing sensitive topics or what is deemed as taboo by certain cultures. The first sample is a writing on world hunger effect on South East Asia. I believe I discussed entomophagy and wealth disparities with cultural humility and ethically. One improvement would be to expand on this preexisting paper. Additionally, my discussion on safe to drink water and sanitation facilities also carry the same cultural humility and professionalism. I believe the organization of this paper could be improved overall but it was well detailed. Lastly, the LGBTQ+ college student mental health survey displayed inclusivity and sensitivity when working with marginalized folks. I believe the survey is appropriate for the target population and topic.